Building Wealth From The Ground Up - Using Your Credit As Your Foundation
The Prelude
Do you know your credit score? Have you reviewed your credit history lately? If your answer to both questions was NO, then it is time for you to take full inventory of your credit rating and history in order to start building your wealth from this day on.
If you care anything about your future, the quality of your future, then you should pay attention to your credit and the management of your finances. As a disclaimer, I am no financial expert or guru; however, I did read several good books and signed up for a very useful program that really helped me to see where I am financially. In order for me to reach my goals, I now know that some attention is needed in my credit zone. I have a good credit score but it is not where I would like it to be. On a scale of 150 to 980, I could use a hundred or more points to put me well into the zone I would like to be in.
The Beginning
Several months ago, I purchased the Pre-Paid Legal Identity Theft Shied and for the little bit of money I paid for the service I got back a lot more than I originally had expected. The small monthly monitoring fee gives me the assurance that my identity is in very good hands.
After reading David Bachs book The Automatic Millionaire and Jennifer Openshaws book The Millionaire Zone, I now have a clearer picture of what I need to be doing to manage my finances and really hanker down and begin building my wealth for a more stable future. To my surprise, you really do not have to get that elusive super paying job that will line your pockets with all the extra cash to become financially free. You can simply start where you are at with your current job and income. Although it would not hurt to have that good paying job, you really do not need it. By taking small, baby steps, changing the way you spend and save money can help you to get on the road to wealth. In simple terms, the quickest way to eat an elephant or a whale is to eat them one bit at a time. That is how you or anyone can build their wealth one-step at a time. The best and surest way is to begin by cleaning up your credit report and protecting your identity.
Moving Forward
After receiving my comprehensive credit report from my Identity Theft Shield account, I saw exactly what my creditors and anyone who runs a credit report on me would see. From the looks of it, my credit house can use some cleaning and with my full report from my Identity Theft Shield plan, I how have the steps I need to take to do some late Spring-cleaning. What is more, is that, I now have a special Toll free number I can call to help me with everything. With the monitoring of my social security number (identity), I am notified every time a credit inquiry is run on me or if new accounts have been opened up in my name. Oh, I almost forgot, you pay one monthly free but you get the service on two social security numbers like for instance you and your spouse. What a fantastic deal. Once you fully understand where you stand credit wise and have cleaned or began to clean up those derogatory remarks on your credit report you can move on to building your wealth.
The next step you want to take is to look for ways you can increase your savings or contribute more money to accounts like 401ks, IRAs, SEOGs, and other retirement accounts. For those who have low-income jobs, you can start a home based business for as little as $0 to $100. For a simple strategy, simply find a product or service that you totally believe in and use the product or service on a monthly basis. Then become an independent associate with the company (if the company has an independent associate program) and share your experiences with others with enthusiasm and you will have a great formula for starting and running your own business. If this is not an option for you then you can simply ask your boss for a raise, find a higher paying job, or win the lottery. However, I would not seriously consider the latter as a viable option. Take this one-step at a time, invest in this in the long term for five or more years or until you finally succeed. As long as you keep working at it, you cannot lose (hint: Identity Theft Protection is a hot business to get into). Only quitters never win and procrastinators never truly begin.
On The Road To Wealth
After you have found a way to increase your cash flow you will need to look at ways of using that extra income to build your fortune. As I have said before, I am not a financial guru, author, or expert; I am showing you how simple it is for anyone to begin his or her rise to financial freedom. I suggest that as you go along keep a journal of what you did to improve your financial life. This will be your master blue print that you can use to write about (a book) how you went fro rags to riches starting from where you are right now (hint: how to books sells. If your book is well written and easy to understand then you just may have a hot million-dollar maker in your hands. If it helps, just one person to do the same then you would have succeeded beyond anyones imagination. Success really begins by taking the first step and never giving up. Your future is truly, what you make it.
The Recap From The Ground Up
- Start with your credit report
- Review and clean up your credit report (if needed)
- Increase your income (get a raise, find a new job, or start a business)
- Put more money into your retirement account (or start one)
- Document your steps to wealth (journal)
- Write about your experiences to your wealth (book: intellectual property)
- Always reach back and help others
- Use your LifeNet network of people, organizations, and resources
In conclusion, building wealth or improving ones financial status is easier than you can imagine. Opportunities are all around you. All you have to do is be open to the many opportunities that are presented to you everyday. Be receptive and ready to take advantage of the opportunities that are staring you in the face waiting for you to scoop them up and run away with them. You are in the land of opportunities all you have to do is reach out, grab one, two, or maybe three, and soar to wealth.
Kelvin Shaw has been helping people succeed online for over 10 years and has dedicated his life to Internet Marketing and helping others. Visit his web site to find out how you can create success online with your own home-based business.
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